Rev. Robin Joynes is a thought leader and ally for healing, restoration, and equity. For more than16 years, Rev. Joynes' ministry context has been advocating with and for women and children. She is Founding Director of Daughters of Faith Network and Study Group. DFSG is a collaboration of women of faith and like minded Advocates working to build a more just and equitable world. In collaboration with women of faith, the ministry leverages ecumenical, denominational, and interfaith partnerships to address economic and social inequities women and children endure. The ministry has grown from its inception in 2008 as a regional organization with mission emphasis in the southeast U.S. to a global ecumenical partner in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Switzerland, and the U.K. Rev. Joynes is blessed to have preached in the U.S. and abroad. In 2019 her essay "While We Wait: The Foolishness of Scarcity, the "Devalued Other", and Pedagogies of Becoming" was published in The Ecumenical Review. Currently Rev. Joynes is a doctoral student at San Francisco Theological Seminary.
DFSG convenes conferences for spiritual renewal and presents models for faithful advocacy around issues of health care access, food insecurity, and emergency response. DFSG promotes justice and equity through the lens of faith, sharing stories of women’s courage, resilience, and creativity. In 2015, the Network established the Spirit of Huldah Awards, an honor presented to women and persons of faith for their outstanding commitment to service in missions, community and ministry. In all of this, the Gospel of love and reconciliation remains the foundation of the network’s mission to connect to women as 21st century global voices for higher ground.